Although we use electricity on a daily basis, it can be difficult to know how much electricity we actually consume. A smart meter is like having a little buddy that tells you all about the power running through your home.
Imagine you have an assistant that monitors all things electrical in your household. When you turn on a lamp, play a video game, or use the refrigerator, this assistant is keeping track of how much power you are using for each thing. You could think of it as having a buddy that counts all the electricity in all your house.
The smart metre watches every light you turn on, and every appliance you use. Then it reports to the electric company how much electricity your household has used. This helps ensure that your family receives an accurate bill for the electricity you consume.
So many interesting things can be shown using these special tools! You can find out what in your home uses the most electricity. Perhaps your video game console consumes more electricity than your night light. Or maybe the refrigerator draws more electricity than the toaster.
The things I thought were the most amazing about smart power meters is they can let you see electricity usage right now! Mimics your house — it is like you have this special power to watch your house right now, how much energy your house uses.
You can check on a phone or a computer and see exactly how much is going on with electricity in your home. If you see the numbers going up high, you can help your family save power quickly.” Perhaps you could switch off some lights, or encourage your parents to unplug things that aren’t in use?
Schneider ElecticWhat if you could turn into a superhero, protect your family, and the earth too? When you consume less electricity, two polemic things occur. First, it will save your family money on electricity. Secondly, you do your bit for the planet by making less energy.