static charge meter

No surprise, have you ever gotten that little shock when you touched a doorknob – or even another body? That tingly sensation is called static electricity! It occurs when two things rub up against each other, and mini pieces of charge, known as electrons, flow from one object to the other. Induction charging builds up a charge on an object surface. Static electricity can be troublesome in settings such as factories or offices where it can damage sensitive equipment or potentially create fires, if not controlled.

We test this using the Xintuo static electricity meter to ensure that each surface has a known amount of static charge. It is a quite helpful tool as it has unique sensors that can measure how much static charging is on a surface. With this meter we could measure the static charge and get a good idea of exactly how much static charge is found. It is crucial for the safety and well-running of our workplace.

Easily detect electrostatic discharge with a static charge meter

One of the dangerous parts of static electricity is something called electrostatic discharge, or ESD for short. It happens when a person or object builds up a static charge and suddenly discharges it all at once. That rapid discharge can damage electronic components and, in some cases, lead to fires.

Xintuo has a स्मार्ट मीटर that allows us to detect ESD. So if the meter detects a sudden discharge, it will sound loud or light up to tell us that there is a problem. This warning is highly beneficial as we get an opportunity to become proactive and evacuate to safety. Understanding when ESD happens is critical to protecting both personnel and equipment in the workplace.

Why choose Xintuo static charge meter?

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