esp32 energy meter

For those looking to monitor energy usage on a daily basis, the Xintuo ESP32 Energy Meter is a useful device. This tiny piece of equipment is beneficial as it helps with monitoring energy consumption. You can be smart and save energy and money when you know how much energy you are using. Smart Energy Meter using ESP32 — Learn to Use Energy Wisely and Take Care of Environment

An ESP32 Energy Meter is a small computer that you can set up in your house. It can even track how much power your gadgets and appliances are consuming at a moment, its secret superpower. For instance, it can measure the energy use of your refrigerator, lights or television. Although for this project we can monitor these values directly from the display screen present in the ESP32 Energy Meter, we can also view this information on our phone. This way you can tell whether you’re consuming more energy than you realized.

Real-Time Energy Tracking with the ESP32 IoT Device

The ESP32 Energy Meter has one of the coolest features that, it connects to your home Wi-Fi. That means you can view your energy consumption anytime and anywhere using your mobile device, tablet, or computer. Your Device can Monitor your Energy Usage If you are out of the house, and you want to see how much energy you are using, just look at your device! You can also set up alerts. These alerts notify you when you are wasting energy, so you can make changes immediately.

Why choose Xintuo esp32 energy meter?

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